TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You are correct Jason. The nozzle was sized with a 1.54"
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Subject You are correct Jason. The nozzle was sized with a 1.54"
Posted by Ash's Z on September 27, 2005 at 1:50 PM
  This message has been viewed 202 times.
In Reply To Your nozzle is too restrictive posted by Mongoose on September 27, 2005 at 12:31 PM
Message diameter to get the correct pressure ratio for maximum thrust without the afterburner running. I dont have a variable nozzle for this engine and the video you see was the 2nd time I lit off the afterburner. I wasn't sure if the new design I used for the afterburner setup would work properly and I didn't want to hack up the nozzle until I checked that I would get a stable burn. I also am only delivering a small amount of fuel to the AB unit - what you saw there was the engine running at its maximum power output while keeping the turbine inlet temps at a maximum level of 1400F.

Once I open up the nozzle, it will lower the turbine inlet temp and allow me to pour in a lot more fuel to the AB. I need to figure out some way of building a variable nozzle though - the afterburner will guzzle tons of fuel if that were all I could effectively run the engine with.

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